вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

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��I donapos;t love my mother , I publicly affirmed that�in highschool once , during a lesson in Romanian language and literature , I said that I donapos;t love her , but respect her. Apparently my teacher at that time found that is a worthy thing for some reason.
But my mom has told me numerous times since I was a teenager and started to ask her opinion about what I wanna do with my life,just to see what sheapos;d say,because I never followed any of her wishes and demands because she always allowed me a free hand , that sheapos;d see me on the field.
�She never said which field and under which circumstances.
When I told her what she thinks about me writing,she said " Iapos;d rather see you running around asking people questions and raising havoc,fieldwork."
Thatapos;s all she ever replied to such questions , something among these lines.
Despite me not loving her , Iapos;d like to see her saying to me sheapos;s proud of something I do.She never did , in all these years , but even with a broken limb�, walking out of a conflict zone , whatever it is, Iapos;d�lke her to say something among the lines of that Iapos;m finally doing something Iapos;m good at and that even though she hates it , she thinks Iapos;m good at�what Iapos;m doing�and she brags about it.
�Yeah , I think no one would�feel extremely good saying " my daughter jumps over corpses� to get the right , truthful and raw photos and informations, smokes�too much and they threatened her sheapos;s gonna lose a�limb or two if she dosenapos;t get out of� *insert random city-conflict-zone*� in time because thereapos;d be no more troops to keep her out of trouble "� .
But then again....how many daughters do that ? Sheapos;d at least take pride if not in what Iapos;m doing , at least in the fact that I am unique .

� On another hand , I donapos;t take sides.I might go demented when someone insults my football team and I might accuse a few random governments of pasiveness and the random masses of ignorance , but Iapos;m known for being some sort of shade of gray.For myself , no one is innocent , and Iapos;m willing to accuse myself of wrongdoings at any given time , because I believe in praticing what you preach and if you think youapos;re spotless , youapos;re one step away from doing something for the better.
One reason as to why I donapos;t like priests , the Pope and other people and rankings.They present you in a light youapos;re not worthy of most likely.I do believe in God , in some form , always willing to doubt him , and I donapos;t believe he likes me very much , but thatapos;s a relative issue.

At the moment I am too disgusted of what Iapos;m seeing .I try not to read too many comments when watching video files from Baghdad or from any war zone but today I did , and I see young people , maybe younger or a bit older than I am ,throwing random insults at eachother�or hailing their troops with the wrong affirmations�, regardless of the civilian lives they take in the process and speaking highly of their gunpower and going " that wuz so kewl " when random buildings in an already in ruin city explode when shot down by troopers.
I was so disgusted on what I read this afternoon I couldnt even finish my coffee.
Iapos;m willing do get in a discussion , maybe some sort of argument , as long as my opinion is argued , but not yelled away.I like conversations where you can use facts,not exclamations from Counter Strike games and where life is taken in consideration.

�I donapos;t think Iapos;m a humanist , nor I dream myself as someone in the Peace Corps. But just someone who is willing to observe the facts as they are without interfering , as long as I dig to find out the raw truth of the problem .
Iapos;d lik to help if I can , but if I canapos;t it dosenapos;t mean Iapos;ll break my back to do it , Iapos;m not black or white about it , Iapos;m painfully gray and I only want to get in the middle of the problem,because I know I canapos;t solve it ,but other people might be able to , given the right , true information.

Imagine random person youapos;ve never seen before breaks your index finger .It hurts like�hell and you donapos;t even know the person and why heapos;d do something like that to you.
Then imagine your whole arm ripped off by random person while your house with all its posessions explodes and your dog along with it, an action by the same random person you donapos;t even know and who does not give you the sightest explanation.Actually ,that person fires from so far away you donapos;t even know how he or she looks like.
That someone is driven by his or hers moral duties towards his or her country.
And you donapos;t even know what those moral duties are and what they have to do with you , personally.

The Third Stone

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