понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

boot jessica made simpson walkin were

Ok so I know itapos;s been a little while since my last update but lets give it a quick shot.�

This past weekend Blake and I ventured up to his momapos;s house and then over to a house that she was renting the renters moved out over $3,000 behind in past due rent, she had told them to get out by Nov 29th so they left about a week early and now sheapos;s left with that mess.� Blake and I had gone up to help repair the place it was beyond what we could accomplish in one day.

Sunday We ran around the ATL doing various tasks.

I logged into school over the weekend but didnapos;t actually do any school work it was nice now Iapos;m having trouble getting back into it, way to many other things issues on my mind.

Today I dragged Blake with me (ok well he drove) and we went to see the surgeon that my primary care doctor referred me to.� He was really cool and easy going.� I felt very comfortable with him he was easy to talk to (and likes Football).� We talked with him for about an hour and a half, honestly I was overloaded with information and not at all sure what really happened today my head is still spinning from it all.� Basically it comes down to if the insurance approves the surgery (to pay for it) then it will happen if they donapos;t it wonapos;t.� What a great country where health decisions are made by the insurance company and not the doctors just makes me feel more confident in my decision on who to vote for next Month to replace the president.

I got my grades in my last two classes last week my IT class I got a 97 good for an A and Math 78 C+.

This time around I have an HR class and another math class (blah).

Oh by the way it feels way to cold for this time of year what happened to over night lows in the 60apos;s and highs in the 70apos;s?
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

am i sign zodiac

Got out of bed early this morning. It was very foggy.Mom and I drove out to the mall where I work to go to the farmerapos;s market. It has been there all summer and this is the second to the last week for it. One of my friends has family that run it so I stopped and talked to them. We bought squash,eggplant,zucchini and green tomatoes. We also got some honey and I bought some organic butter. There was a guy selling fresh green tea from Japan. I wanted to try it because it is all hand picked and hand ground. It is very expensive but I love green tea so I was excited to try it. The guy squirted it in to a small cup and added hot water. I wish I could tell you what it was like. It is this green like algae look and it smells like fresh cut grass. So here was mom and I trying to act like we wanted to drink this green sludge and the smell was rank. Another person came up so we walked away quickly. We both managed to drink it but it is an experience we donapos;t want to repeat soon. I will take my regular green tea any day. It turned out to be a lovely day filled with sunshine and family.

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dahlonega ga cabin

Suicide. What do you think of when you hear that word? I think of deep pain and sorrow surrounded by darkness. I used to think that it was a common thought. That everybody thinks about committing suicide from time to time. I have thought about it several times; attempted it once. Recently, I was talking with one of my classmates during health class. Our teacher was covering the suicide topic. I asked her if she had ever thought about it. Her response shocked me. She told me she had already committed suicide and I was talking to her ghost. Just kidding. But she actually said she had, not once, ever thought about killing herself and that she couldnapos;t understand why anyone would want to end their life. I was nearly speechless. Maybe itapos;s just me, but for someone to be that happy and carefree in this world is just crazy I couldnapos;t think of anything to say so I just shook my head in understanding and turned back to my work. Never thought of suicide.... I really didnapos;t understand.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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The inside of my heart pricks with this familiar pain that always come at this time of night, when my lungs are filled with the perfect amount of hell. I realize that a lot of people hide their passions until their feelings are on the line. I never know what to tell myself when no one else is willing to talk to me.
my mind cannot keep up with anything in this darkness

what are you trying to tell us?
will it always be this way?

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

allentown apartment pennsylvania

A research at the University of Washington shows that the people who work in the night or do a night shift are deprived of their peaceful sleep at night. This sleep which the body requires is reduced to a large extent; this is because how much ever a person sleeps in the day time it cannot compensate or the night sleep. The hands of the clock always go clockwise and the numbers always start from zero to ten.
When a person is deprived of sleep the insulin levels take its toll. Due to the fluctuating insulin levels the risk of neurodegenerative disorder in the brain increases, which culminates into a mental disorder such as Alzheimer. In such cases there is a gradual memory loss which can be life threatening. In the normal course insulin promotes the learning and memory, but the resistance cases inflammation which is an important step in the development of Alzheimers.
A person who is deprived of his prescribed period of sleep can interrupt a bout of depression.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

between difference federalists republican

Oh ::yawn:: I just woke up. I think I may go make some coffee and then take a shower. I need to finish my laundry too. I have a midterm at 1 today. I need to go to campus early to go to the bookstore to pick up some things for class.

After my midterm (that I am hoping I ace), Dondon is taking me to lunch at the Macaroni Grille (my favorite) yum. I am going to save up alll day so I thoroughly enjoy this meal. I canapos;t wait. Dondon and I could talk for hours. Seriously. But we never get a chance to just sit and talk. We have been waiting to do this for years. So I am super excited about it. It will be nice. Plus, after Moapos;s and Andreaapos;s paintings are finished, I promised LaDonna one next. This lunch is suppose to give me inspiration on what to paint.

I am really very happy right now. I have been stressed out for awhile now but some struggles have been lifted off of me and I am feeling much better. Thank you Lord

DonDon and I will not be able to talk forever today because my ma, Crystal, Jordan, and me will be leaving the house at 5 p.m. To go see Sweeney Todd at TPAC How fun I am uber excited about it. Itapos;s in the smaller theatre too which means we will be closer to the stage. I am bringing my camera so I will take pictures What a strange group huh? My mom, me, Crystal, and Jordan? It will be fun though.

Okay, I believe it was coffee first...I havenapos;t had coffee in forever, I have been on a tea kick but I need coffee today. Big day :o)
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Wesley Sonck een Ninovieter op en top, een eersteklas voetballer, hij verdient een plaatsje op mijn blog, heb je gezien hoe hij deze avond zich tegen Spanje weer volledig heeft ingezet... En voila....wie heeft de goal toch weer gemaakt??.. Natuurlijk Wesley, ik had vorig jaar het geluk om deze topvoetballer te mogen fotograferen op de interscholen cross, waar hij aanwezig was om zijn dochtertje aan te moedigen, zoals zovele papa's, mama's en grootouders.....

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